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Paw paw French - Missouri


Is Missouri French Canadian

Press Play On Life

Explore the area and take a deep dive with us into the origins of the Ste. Genevieve area. It was founded about 250 years ago by French Canadians. Learn all about Paw Paw French or Missouri Creole. It's true; there are people who grew up speaking French in Missouri, however it's becoming less common as the older folks have passed away. Also explore some of the traditions and folklore passed on by their French ancestors. This channel follows the adventures of two sisters Karen & Kelly in their small Midwestern home, in the heart of America. ❤️ We share our life here in Missouri's rural countryside and invite you to come along with us on our random adventures, crazy diy projects, renovations, crafts, cooking and gardening!

Ste Genevieve Missouri https://visitstegen.com/


Learn basic words and phrases from native speakers of Missouri French! Typically the posts will be 7 Missouri French Word A Day: Week 1

Words or phrases (one a day), but this first time will have a few more.


Pierre Naque and the Big Bunch of Ducks - Missouri French tale by Robert Robart, 1993

Robert Robart told "Pierre Naque pis la grande bande de canards" to Dennis Stroughmatt and Kent Beaulne-Bone in 1993. The tale seems to have originated in local Native American lore with a Miami-Illinois character named Wiihsakacaakwa. Multiple versions of the story of a man tying up birds by the feet using a rope underneath a frozen river, who is then lifted away and dumped into a hollow tree, are found among Missouri French speakers who are descendants both of the French and those Native Americans.
