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Colloque : 20 ans d´évolution de la DLE - FP TUL 2010


Negativismus ve výuce španělského jazyka

21. 10. 2012

Enrique Ramirez Espino - Technická univerzita v Liberci

Abstract: Having taught Spanish for many years in the Czech Republic, since 1988, I am more and more convinced that the Czechs have a very deformed impression about Spanish, its system and how that system functions. One of the main problems is the fact that most Czechs think that Spanish is a copy of the Czech language, that it is enough to translate word by word and then the Spanish sentence is ready. This, however, is never so. Every language has passed though its own development, and that development is different in each language. A language develops according to the life in a determined territory, and life is different in Spain and in the countries of America and to that of the Czech Republic. The language in these lands had to face and express different daily situations.


key words: Spanish Didactics, negativismus, textbooks: ¿Fiesta!, Učebnice současné španělštiny


Žákovský korpus a jeho využití pro češtinu jako druhý jazyk

17. 10. 2012

Karel Šebesta, Uninversité Charles de Prague – Svatava Škodová, Université Technique de Liberec


Abstract: In the text, we bring down the information of a new learner corpus of Czech as a second/foreign language currently under the development in cooperation of Technical university of Liberec and Charles university in Prague in the project Innovation in the field of learning Czech as a second language  (OP Competitivness Through Education, support for the ESF and the state budget) and it will be completed in 2012.

Key words: Corpus, acquisition corpus, learner corpus, Czech as a second/foreign language



16. 10. 2012

Sandrine Bazile - Université de Bordeaux - Centre de recherche LAPRIL

Keywords: e-learning, hybrid formation, mediation, mediatization, learning micro-situation.

Abstract : Our study describes two different experiences of e-learning at the University of Bordeaux. Face-to-face education may be combined with a collaborative platform and that combination suggests how hybrid formation makes it possible to simulate learning situations encountered by French and foreign students. In other words, platform’s functionalities, becoming a miniature version of university learning practices, encourage a new learning position and a new role of the teacher/trainer who have to take into account the double necessity for mediation and mediatization.



28. 3. 2012

Jitka Lukášová


Key words:  Czech as a foreign language – methodology of foreign languages – teaching only in L2 – developing language knowledge and skills – teaching of adult language users

Abstract:  The article deals with the problematics of teaching Czech as a foreign language for adult users (in language mixed groups) by using only L2. It is expected that students are familiar with Czech as a foreign language at higher levels of the language competence (Independent and Proficient User according to the CEFR). The article describes the advantage (a rush development of language skills, strategies of understanding and de/coding of the word-meaning, knowledge of metalanguage and international linguistic terminology) and disadvantage (inaccuracy of word-meaning and intercultural differences) of using only one language (L2) when teaching, within the context of language knowledge and language skills. It also shows the results of questionnare given to the students of foreign languages in the university enviroment. 


Video ve výuce jazyků

28. 3. 2012

Ing. Stanislava Pavlíková

Univerzita Hradec Králové, Pedagogická fakulta


Klíčová slova :  výuka jazyků, obchodní angličtina, video, motivace, televizní reklama

Abstract : The article consists of two parts. The theoretical one lists the main reasons why we should use video in language teaching and the practical part describes some ideas how we can do that efficiently. Video as a listening tool adds new incentives such as emotions, gestures, body language, and setting. This teaching tool enhances students’ motivation as it is attractive and illustrative. Both children and adults are more interested in learning if new information is presented in an interesting form. Moreover f hearing and vision are involved which is another advantage.  Video encourages students with different learning styles (audio, visual). Video is very close to real life and it can take students into the lives and experiences of others. Teachers also have observed that a video sequence makes students more ready to communicate in the target language. The article presents some examples of teaching activities based on video sequences which were focused on business English.



20. 3. 2012

Mgr. Filip Fischer

Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze

Résumé: Ce texte vise à refléter la réalité évoluant du monde de la francophonie dans le contexte de la mondialisation et la régionalisation de l'économie mondiale et souligne l'importance de l'apprentissage du français suite à l’ouverture du marché du travail. En outre de la formation de zones de libre-échange, c’est également le volume augmentant et la vitesse d'échange d'informations, soutenue par le développement de nouvelles technologies de l’informations et de la communication qui représente un élément important de la mondialisation. C’est justement l'omniprésence des TIC et l’interconnexion de la réalité quotidienne avec celle virtuelle qui entraîne une utilisation de plus fréquente des innovations technologiques dans l'enseignement, y compris dans le cours de la langue étrangère. Parmi les phénomènes les plus importants, on doit mentionner les réseaux sociaux et d’autres plates-formes qui sont destinés à relier l'interaction entre les utilisateurs d'Internet. Ledocument vise à mettre en évidence les aspects positifs de trois médias Internet actuels, YouTube, Google et Facebook

Mots clés: francophonie, mondialisation, TIC, réforme éducative, formation en-ligne



Using Peer Assessment to Increase Student Participation in the Learning Process

20. 3. 2012

PaedDr. Zuzana Šaffková, CSc., M.A.

Katedra anglického jazyka, FP TUL


Keywords: peer assessment, formative & summative assessment, learner autonomy, reliability, validity, learning process

Abstract : One of the main goals of tertiary education is to instruct learners to “accept the idea that their own efforts are crucial to progress in learning and behave accordingly” (Scharle, Szabó, 2000). Peer assessment as one of the key elements of the learning and teaching experience helps accomplish this goal. The paper describes the implementation of peer assessment in an undergraduate course of TEFL methodology for fourth year students and attempts to support the idea that peer-assessment can provide valid evidence about student performance. The students in this course were expected to plan working on their team assignments, monitor the process of accomplishing the tasks and finally assess their peer-group learning outcomes. The primary purpose of using peer assessment was to create a learning environment that would facilitate the education of responsible and reflective professionals – future teachers. However, peer assessment as a complement to other sources of evidence of learning was also used to help the tutor evaluate the students´ knowledge and abilities and provide them with more accurate feedback. A two year experience with peer assessment applied to the course confirmed that this type of assessment can contribute to both formative and summative purposes and thus accelerate deep rather than surface learning since both content and process of learning are employed. The purpose of this paper is also to discuss some concerns relating to difficulties with the validity and reliability of this type of assessment.


À quand la prochaine révolution en didactique des langues?

16. 1. 2012

Résumé de la présentation de Claude Germain, Université du Québec à Montréal. germain.claude@uqam.ca


Appel a communications

14. 7. 2010